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Monday, June 2, 2014

Chapter 2 – Creating & Joining Google+ Circles

Even though using Google+ Circles barely poses a challenge, there are some people who haven’t quite gotten the hang of things yet. Most of them may be occupied with certain matters that 20 to 30 minutes is all the while they could spend in the social platform. Given sufficient time to explore the features, as well as the other functions of Google+, they may even discover the tricks ideal for their individual situation.

Basic Tutorials

To make sure you don’t end up committing errors while signing up for basic processes when using Google+ Circles, turning to the instructions on tutorials will help. When you’ve made a mistake along the way, you can always have it modified later. However, accomplishing things the first time will save you hours that you can use to explore the other features of the social platform.

Here’s a list of questions you may want to ask:

  • How Do I Create Google+ Circles?

  1. First, go to your Google+ homepage.
  2. At the top left corner, click People.
  3. Then, go to My Circles.
  4. From there, click Create a New Circle.
  5. Once a share box pops up, provide your preferred name for the circle.

  • How Do I Add Members to Google+ Circles?

  1. First, go to your Google+ homepage.
  2. At the top left corner, click People.
  3. Next, go to My Circles.
  4. Finally, click Add People (name or email address required).

  • How Can I Find a Specific Person That I Want to Invite to Join My Circles?

  1. First, go to your Google+ homepage.
  2. At the top left corner, click People.
  3. Then, click Find People in Google+.
  4. Type the specific person’s name or email address.

  • How Can I Mute a Post from Members of My Google+ Circles?

  1. First, go to your Google+ homepage.
  2. At the top left corner, click My Circles.
  3. There, search for a post you want to mute.
  4. Finally, at the right head button, click Mute this post.

  • How Do I Organize My Google+ Circles?

  1. First, go to your Google+ homepage.
  2. At the top left corner, click People.
  3. From there, go to My Circles tab.
  4. Choose whether to View, Add, or remove.

Clarifications on Starting & Using Google+ Circles

Using Google+ Circles can be a walk in the park. Granted you can understand simple instructions, finding your time on Google+ worthwhile may not take you long. Knowing then being able to master the corners of the online social platform, using it to maximize the fun for you and for your friends is accomplishable.

Here’s a list of questions you may want to ask:

  • Is Creating Google+ Circles Easy?

Yes, it is. The processes of creating and joining Google+ Circles, as well as adding members, are easy. Within 10 minutes, the tasks can be accomplished. Especially if you already have the names or e-mail addresses you want to invite in place, it won’t take you long. In most cases, upon reading through some terms, you may start sharing content.

  • What Are Extended Google+ Circles?

Extended Google+ Circles are circles whose members are those who belong in your immediate circles. Since the people in the cluster are most likely acquainted with you in real life, they’re not categorized into the general public. You can check them out when you’re about to publish your content. When your post is ready, you’ll find a Share What’s New textbox and a dropdown menu that gives you the option to choose the exact audience for your content.

  • What Are Google Sliders for Google+ Circles?

Google Sliders for Google+ Circles are features of Google+ meant for easily adjusting the volume of your Circles. With them, there are specific buttons that allow you to categorize posts (according to their relevance), hide posts, and send email updates.

  • What Happens After I Add the First Member of My Circle?

After adding the first member of your Google+ Circles, you’re going to receive a popup notification on your Google+ account informing you that you can now share content to them. In turn, they will be notified, as well. This is meant to help you keep track of all your invites if you have added a number of people.

  • Who Can See to Whom a Post Was Shared in My Google+ Circles?

Nobody else can see to whom a post was shared except you. The names, as well as the Google+ profile pictures, of those in your Google+ Circles will appear for you. For the members of your circle, all they’ll see is limited.

Regarding Google+ Options

There are many things you can do once you have registered for a Google+ account and once you have figure out a way to use Google+ Circles. However, since the social networking platform is the largest of its kind (next to Facebook), getting by with assumptions can equate to trouble. With you being exposed to a sea of online users, an honest mistake of using the features may offend some.

Here’s a list of questions you may want to ask:

  • Can I Block Someone?

Yes, you can. You can remove them. That person may not view any content you share with your Google+ Circles or any updates you’ve made on your Google+ profile. However, if he is friends with someone belonging in your Circles, he can. If your posts are featured on someone else’s page, anyone that person has in his list can see your updates.

  • Can I Delete My Circles?

Yes, you can. If you feel that the Google+ Circles you’ve created are no longer active, you can easily have them deleted. However, the posts that have been shared in the past, as well as those distributed by the members of those Circles, can remain visible.

  • Can I Invite People to My Circles Even if They Don’t Have a Google+ Account?

Yes, you can. People who have yet to sign up with Google+ can be invited through e-mail. On your behalf, they will be sent a mail that proposes for them to join Google+ and the benefits that await them once they do. Provided they create an account soon, they can be added to your circles.

  • Can My Circles Affect the Overall Content on My Google+?

Yes, they can. Since all the content that you see in your Google+ homepage come from the communities you joined, the posts of the members of your Google+ Circles, and the What’s Hot list, you’re more likely to see the updates of those belonging in your circles compared to those who are simply connected with you via your Google+ page.

  • Can I Add People Who Commented on a Post to My Circles?

Yes, you can. Upon selecting a specific post and seeing their comments, you’ll also see their names, along with a link to their own Google+ profile. Send them an invite to be their friend and after they confirm your request, you can send them yet another invite to join your Google+ Circles.

  • Can I Add People I Don’t Know to My Circles?

Yes, you can. Using your Google+ Circles is up to you. Unlike in other social networks, you won’t be penalized if you attempt to connect to those that you have no mutual acquaintances with. If you wish to begin an army composed of anonymous people with names are similar to yours, you can do so. After they’ve accepted your request to be affiliated with you on Google+, you’re free to send them invites to join your circles.

Ok...next time we will Part 3 – Google+ Features for Personal & Private Use

Delton Doucet has reached over 20 million page views on Google+ and a Klout score that has him in the Top 10% of Social Media Users.

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