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Monday, June 16, 2014

Chapter 4 – Google+ Circles for the Internet Marketer

Google+ Circles can be advantageous for the internet marketer. As she establishes her business online, inviting her clients to join her circles in the social networking platform enables her to monitor her clients efficiently. Provided she organizes the possible content in her stream, she can call out to an audience accordingly and rake in higher profit during the process.

The Internet Marketer & How Having Google+ Circles Can Help Her

  • Content Marketer
A content marketer can benefit from having her customers on her Google+ Circles by having a good grasp of their personal lives. Especially if she wants to target a particular individual, she can use the information that’s shared to her to arrange the content she distributes to grab his attention.

  • Mobile and Social Media Marketer
Since it’s available on Android and iOS devices, a mobile marketer can benefit from Google+ Circles. It means that she can remain having her customers on her radar all the time, provided she’s connected to the internet. Even if she’s a country away from where she usually stays, she doesn’t have to be oblivious to the events.

5 Tips for Google+ Circles Management

As an internet marketer, remember that every single one of your Google+ Circles need to be managed carefully so you can use it as a means for earning higher revenue. It may take a long while especially if you plan to be thorough and strictly verify your clients’ details during the process. Once it’s out of the way, however, you can freely figure out other strategies to maximize your business’ potential. If you simply use it just like normal users would, you won’t likely have an edge for your venture.

  1. Avoid adding too many people in your Google+ Circles.
So you can have a more effective Google+ Circles, avoid adding too many people. As an internet market, while you may appreciate being connected to a long list of followers, remember that sometimes, all it can do is add clutter. If there’s a grand number on your list, you have an option to remove them. Whether you want to remove them simply as members of your Google+ Circles or entirely as friends in your Google+ page, it’s up to you.

For instance, one of your Google+ Circles consists of 150 members yet only 50 of these are actually helpful to your business. Consider removing the 100 that you believe can barely do a thing for you.

  1. Create multiple circles to categorize each of your clients.
Creating multiple Google+ Circles allows you to closely monitor the important people in your Google+ page. Especially if you’re marketing to a grand number, remaining in on the happenings with those who are committed to invest more in your venture.

For instance, you have 200 clients who are not all actively dealing with you. Rather than put them all in a single circle, create multiple ones to keep track of them better. You may create 5 circles composed of around 40 members and be more updated on the progress of a specific cluster.

  1. Determine how the members of your Google+ Circles shares.
To effectively manage your Google+ Circles, determine how each of the members in your circle shares. Pay attention to how frequently they update their streams, as well as the standard content they publish. Be it your own media or someone else’s, observing the people in your selected network will reveal to you a pattern. Consequently, you can use that pattern for your advantage.

For instance, you have noticed that a particular client (who’s also a member of your Google+ Circles) usually shares video content on a Tuesday afternoon. If you’re attempting to capture his interest, your chances are high by posting video content on a Tuesday afternoon, too.
  1. Lock certain posts.
To prevent members of your Google+ Circles from distributing your posts to others in their stream, choose to have them locked. At first, you may think that it will indirectly limit your advertisement. However, it can prove useful if you haven’t officially launched your proposal yet. Through this, only some people are privileged to be informed of your plans.

For instance, you intend to gather the ten cents’ worth of a few trusted members of your Google+ Circles but you also want to give everybody else in that same cluster a teaser of what you have to offer. If you don’t wish competing internet marketers to know about your agenda, locking your posts so the authority to share that particular content only belongs to you.

  1. Organize the content that the members of your Google+ Circles post.
As willing as you are to be informed about the posts of each of your clients on the social platform, you have to decide to prioritize some of these people over the others. This way, you won’t miss out on the more relevant news.

For instance, you could use being in on the updates that are posted by 2 specific clients. Use the filter option by detailing the names of those whose posts you want to appear on your home stream.

Attracting Traffic to Google+ Circles

  • Accept invites to join others’ circles
When people, including the ones you’re unsure how you’re acquainted with, propose that you join their circles, consider accepting invites. Once they notice you hadn’t turned them away, they’re likely to return the favour. When it’s you who’s in their place, they won’t leave you hanging and might even encourage their fellows to come to you as well.

  • Add the link to your Google+ profile to all your social media accounts
Do you have a Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter account? Are you a regular blogger on a popular website? If you’re part of an online community that privileges you to your own page, you can use it to your advantage. Since you’ve established a presence in other social networks, your connections in those places may want to be connected with you yet again on your Google+ profile.

  • Make use of Google+ badges
Upon placing Google+ badges, you’re indirectly marketing your Google+ page. Especially if the website you run is visited by hundreds or thousands, your followers may appreciate being shown a portal to your Google profile. A bit of exploring and they’re likely to stumble on your circles and perhaps, join.
Sample Google+ badge:

  • Optimize your Google+ profile
According to Business Time, almost 400, 000 people are avid Google+ users. If you have a strategically prepared profile, a grand number of these people may be enticed to check out and even join your circles. For instance: you’re into adventure. Instead of just plainly jotting down that you like adventure, upload a cover photo of you during one of your kite-boarding sessions and describe yourself as an “individual who craves for her next adventure: the more extreme, the better”.

  • Post attention-grabbing content
Rather than sharing the usual content, try spicing things up. You can do this by handing people a reason to be browsing through your Google+ page. Remember to capture the interests of any potential members of your circles. Otherwise, they’re probably going to flee and resort to eyeing someone else’s profile.

If you wish that the number of recruits in your circles increases, you have to be wise in how you use your Google+ page. There may be occasions when random individuals approach you out of the blue; you have to admit, however, that it’s not often the case. Getting people can be challenging enough. Inviting them to be part of your team can be double the hardship. But, once you’ve figure out a way around them, you can work things out for your advantage.

Delton Doucet has reached over 20 million page views on Google+ and a Klout score that has him in the Top 10% of Social Media Users.

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